Current Price List
Screened Fill: $29.00 per cubic yard
Natural soil screened to approximately 2". Used for filling in low areas and backfilling purposes.
Screened Topsoil: $52.00 per cubic yard
Natural field topsoil screened to approximately 1/2" great for establishing new lawns and repairing existing lawn areas.
Premium Screened Compost / Topsoil: $68.50 per cubic yard
Screened and finished organic compost / topsoil, black in color and rich in nutrients. Excellent for gardening, raised beds, amending existing soil, establishing new lawns and sod applications. Supplies a significant quantity of organic matter, improves soil structure and water retention to create a better plant root environment.
Bioretention Soil: Available Upon Request
Bioretention Soil is a specially designed soil mix used in stormwater management systems, such as rain gardens or bioswales, to effectively capture, filter and manage stormwater runoff. The soil mix is engineered to maintain good drainage while also providing nutrients and a habitat for plants that help in treating runoff.
Mulch (Black, Dark Brown or Red): $48.00 per cubic yard
Made from a mixture of natural hardwood trees. Color enhanced using a 100% organic, eco-friendly and non-toxic colorant. Used for decoration and weed suppression. Safe for the environment. Does not contain any recycled material or construction debris such as pallets.
Sweet Peet: $73.00 per cubic yard
Sweet Peet is 100% organic mulch used in flower beds and vegetable gardens. Its high moisture retention value makes it great for use around the base of trees and shrubs. Sweet Peet has a rich dark brown color and natural texture.
Yellow Mason Sand: $89.00 per cubic yard
Fine washed yellow sand used for concrete and mortar. Also used under pool liners.
Stonedust: $75.00 per cubic yard
Course grey sand, byproduct of crushed stone. Used under pavers, patios, walkways and for mixing concrete.
Item #4: $68.00 per cubic yard
Crushed stone and stonedust, used as a base material for driveways, walkways, parking areas, roads and pads.
3/8" Crushed Stone: $75.00 per cubic yard
Used for walkways, driveways, paver base, patios, pads, drainage and pipe bedding. Blue/grey/pink color.
3/4" Crushed Stone: $75.00 per cubic yard
Crushed stone used for drainage, walkways, driveways, pads, backfill, mixing concrete and decorative purposes. Blue/grey/pink color.
1-1/2" Crushed Stone: $75.00 per cubic yard
Ideal for drainage and septic work. Also used as a base material for driveways, walkways and pads.
River Rock 3/4"- 1-1/2": $110.00 per cubic yard
Round river gravel, size ranges from 1" to 2".
1/2" Washed Berkshire Gravel: $140.00 per cubic yard
Tan/Beige stone with light grey and white. Used for walkways, paths, driveways and other decorative purposes. Size ranges from 3/8" to 1/2".
1" Washed Berkshire Gravel: $140.00 per cubic yard
Rounded washed gravel, tan/beige color with light grey and white. Size ranges from 1" to 1-1/4".
3/4" White Crushed Stone: $140.00 per cubic yard
White crushed stone commonly referred to as "marble chip". Used for driveways, flower beds and other decorative purposes.
Random Wall Stone: $125.00 per cubic yard
Hammered rock used to build stone walls and for decorative purposes. Random shapes, sizes and colors.
Local Delivery Service: $95.00 per trip
We also sell Cambridge Pavers, please call for pricing.
Belgian Block - Jumbo Grey (approx 10.5" x 7.5" x 3.5")
Belgian Block - Regular Grey Cobblestone (approx 9.5" x 4.5" x 4.5")
Belgian Block - Bush Hammered Pavers (12" x 6" x 3")
Portland Cement Type II (94 lb bag)
Rebar 1/2" x 10' length
Rebar 1/2" x 20' Length
Wire Mesh Sheets 5' x 10'
Lesco Metro Mix Sun & Shade Grass Seed (50 lb bag)
Lesco Double Eagle Rye Grass Seed Mixture (50 lb bag)
Lesco Sun & Shade Park Seed Mixture (10 lb bag)
Lesco Starter Fertilizer (50 lb bag)
Shredded Straw Hay Bag (3.5 cu. ft.)
Peat Moss (3.8 cu. ft. bag)
4" SDR 35 Pipe (Perf. or Solid, 10' Length)
6" SDR 35 Pipe (Perf or Solid, 10' Length)
4" PVC Pipe (Perf. or Solid, 10' Length)
We also stock pipe fittings, landscape fabric and more. Prices available upon request.
*All prices are subject to change without notice.
*Prices listed above do not include delivery or sales tax.
Please email us at [email protected], call (914) 930-7675 or text (914) 661-2606 for more information.
Screened Fill: $29.00 per cubic yard
Natural soil screened to approximately 2". Used for filling in low areas and backfilling purposes.
Screened Topsoil: $52.00 per cubic yard
Natural field topsoil screened to approximately 1/2" great for establishing new lawns and repairing existing lawn areas.
Premium Screened Compost / Topsoil: $68.50 per cubic yard
Screened and finished organic compost / topsoil, black in color and rich in nutrients. Excellent for gardening, raised beds, amending existing soil, establishing new lawns and sod applications. Supplies a significant quantity of organic matter, improves soil structure and water retention to create a better plant root environment.
Bioretention Soil: Available Upon Request
Bioretention Soil is a specially designed soil mix used in stormwater management systems, such as rain gardens or bioswales, to effectively capture, filter and manage stormwater runoff. The soil mix is engineered to maintain good drainage while also providing nutrients and a habitat for plants that help in treating runoff.
Mulch (Black, Dark Brown or Red): $48.00 per cubic yard
Made from a mixture of natural hardwood trees. Color enhanced using a 100% organic, eco-friendly and non-toxic colorant. Used for decoration and weed suppression. Safe for the environment. Does not contain any recycled material or construction debris such as pallets.
Sweet Peet: $73.00 per cubic yard
Sweet Peet is 100% organic mulch used in flower beds and vegetable gardens. Its high moisture retention value makes it great for use around the base of trees and shrubs. Sweet Peet has a rich dark brown color and natural texture.
Yellow Mason Sand: $89.00 per cubic yard
Fine washed yellow sand used for concrete and mortar. Also used under pool liners.
Stonedust: $75.00 per cubic yard
Course grey sand, byproduct of crushed stone. Used under pavers, patios, walkways and for mixing concrete.
Item #4: $68.00 per cubic yard
Crushed stone and stonedust, used as a base material for driveways, walkways, parking areas, roads and pads.
3/8" Crushed Stone: $75.00 per cubic yard
Used for walkways, driveways, paver base, patios, pads, drainage and pipe bedding. Blue/grey/pink color.
3/4" Crushed Stone: $75.00 per cubic yard
Crushed stone used for drainage, walkways, driveways, pads, backfill, mixing concrete and decorative purposes. Blue/grey/pink color.
1-1/2" Crushed Stone: $75.00 per cubic yard
Ideal for drainage and septic work. Also used as a base material for driveways, walkways and pads.
River Rock 3/4"- 1-1/2": $110.00 per cubic yard
Round river gravel, size ranges from 1" to 2".
1/2" Washed Berkshire Gravel: $140.00 per cubic yard
Tan/Beige stone with light grey and white. Used for walkways, paths, driveways and other decorative purposes. Size ranges from 3/8" to 1/2".
1" Washed Berkshire Gravel: $140.00 per cubic yard
Rounded washed gravel, tan/beige color with light grey and white. Size ranges from 1" to 1-1/4".
3/4" White Crushed Stone: $140.00 per cubic yard
White crushed stone commonly referred to as "marble chip". Used for driveways, flower beds and other decorative purposes.
Random Wall Stone: $125.00 per cubic yard
Hammered rock used to build stone walls and for decorative purposes. Random shapes, sizes and colors.
Local Delivery Service: $95.00 per trip
We also sell Cambridge Pavers, please call for pricing.
Belgian Block - Jumbo Grey (approx 10.5" x 7.5" x 3.5")
Belgian Block - Regular Grey Cobblestone (approx 9.5" x 4.5" x 4.5")
Belgian Block - Bush Hammered Pavers (12" x 6" x 3")
Portland Cement Type II (94 lb bag)
Rebar 1/2" x 10' length
Rebar 1/2" x 20' Length
Wire Mesh Sheets 5' x 10'
Lesco Metro Mix Sun & Shade Grass Seed (50 lb bag)
Lesco Double Eagle Rye Grass Seed Mixture (50 lb bag)
Lesco Sun & Shade Park Seed Mixture (10 lb bag)
Lesco Starter Fertilizer (50 lb bag)
Shredded Straw Hay Bag (3.5 cu. ft.)
Peat Moss (3.8 cu. ft. bag)
4" SDR 35 Pipe (Perf. or Solid, 10' Length)
6" SDR 35 Pipe (Perf or Solid, 10' Length)
4" PVC Pipe (Perf. or Solid, 10' Length)
We also stock pipe fittings, landscape fabric and more. Prices available upon request.
*All prices are subject to change without notice.
*Prices listed above do not include delivery or sales tax.
Please email us at [email protected], call (914) 930-7675 or text (914) 661-2606 for more information.